Shoin Junior High School Recitation Contest

The 21st Annual Shoin Junior High School Recitation Contest was held on March 9th, 2024 in the auditorium. Since the beginning of second term, the students practiced their speeches tirelessly and today was the culmination of their hard work.

J1 contestants were judged on their performance of a poem called “The Ice-Cream Man”, J2 contestants memorized a nursery rhyme called “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, and J3 contestants gave a speech about their favorite thing. In addition, J3 students had prepared their own PowerPoint slides to accompany their speeches. The GS students also took the time to prepare an entertaining slideshow with some video clips to promote their learning experience.

There were prizes for 1st and 2nd place for each grade level. Each contestant also received a participation medal for their effort. Everyone performed well and hopefully the students will look back on this event fondly.

We were very fortunate once again this year to welcome our special guest, Mr. Bunch, a teacher at St. Michael’s International School. Shoin has a strong affiliation with St. Michael’s, so we are very grateful for Mr. Bunch being able to judge at our recitation contest and share words of encouragement with our Shoin students.

Well done to all the contestants and many thanks to our wonderful MCs. Remember, there is no losing, only learning. There is no failure, only opportunity. Until next time.


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