Shoin Junior High School Recitation Contest 2024

Shoin Junior High School Recitation Contest
The 22nd Annual Shoin Junior High School Recitation Contest was held on March 15th, 2025 in the auditorium. This contest always provides an invaluable opportunity for students to showcase their hard work over many months of practice.
Once again this year, J1 contestants were judged on their performance of “The Ice-Cream Man”, J2 contestants faced the challenge of memorizing “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, and J3 contestants spoke about their favorite thing. The GS students also presented a slideshow on their learning experience at Shoin.

All contestants were awarded participation medals. Special prizes were awarded to 1st and 2nd place recipients for each grade. Everyone should be proud for getting out of their comfort zone and putting their best foot forward. As Mr. Bunch, a teacher at St. Michael’s International School, mentioned in his speech, it takes courage to speak in front of a large audience, let alone to speak in a foreign language. There is no shame in making mistakes because that is how we grow and gain confidence.

Well done to you all and a big shout out to our fantastic joyful MCs. As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work”. Until next time.


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