■ 3/11(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 6回目 |
1) Our Show And Tell presenter brought a very special object today!
2) Would you rather eat donuts or chocolate?
We chose our favorite option and ran to announce it. Parents, kids and children enjoyed this race! Then we made our own questions, asked everyone in the room and did “tally”. We are not shy to ask our questions in English so we had a good time.
3) After finishing our mini spelling test, we went to a cafe and ordered foods from the menu. We had to calculate the total and pay using the money we had made in our previous lesson.
4) Finally, we exchanged gifts that we’d made ourselves. Everyone got a bag full of cute handmade gifts.
We have finished our ELS course today.
You did not only learn English, you made friends and tried a lot of challenging projects.
Parents: thank you for always helping us in class and supporting the children!
Teachers: thank you for always helping the kids practice!
Kids: thank you for staying positive and working hard!
Have a good spring break! Bye!

■ 3/4(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 5回目 |
We had two students presenting at Show And Tell today and we enjoyed it very much.
Now let’s talk about money!
First, we did a very challenging Reading activity: we had to read the clue and find the money and the country where it’s used.
But… how do you know this banknote is not fake?
Ms. Katrin tried to play a trick on us so we had to study about money security features and themes that are used for banknote design.
We watched a video about it, did a quiz and now we know how to tell that the banknote is fake!
Check the photos, can you spot a fake banknote?
Our project was to make our own banknote and a poster about it!
Our parents joined us and designed banknotes too, can you tell if it’s the kids team or the parents team?
It was very nice to work together with our parents, and one mom did a presentation with us, too.
Thank you kids, moms and teachers!

■ 2/4(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 3回目 |
Good afternoon!
Our Show And Tell presenter brought a very special item today. It was her baby dress. She also showed us her baby photo and we were all very touched!
Thank you for telling us your story!
Today we discussed foods! We learned new words (soup, sandwich, noodles etc) and words for cooked vegetables (baked, fried, steamed, grilled).
We practiced writing and spelling these words but most importantly, we got to talk with our friends, teachers and parents and we used full sentences.
How do you like your pumpkin: grilled, steamed, fried or baked?
We did a survey and learned how to create a Pie Chart. Steamed broccoli was the most popular vegetable in our class 🙂
Then we presented the data and the audience really liked it.
We are kids, but in this class we are statisticians and presenters!

■ 1/28(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 2回目 |
Hello! How are you today?
It snowed again today but we were warm because we practiced English and played! Our project today was to talk about our last birthday using Past Simple!
This semester we started 3 new things:
1) Student portfolio
2) Show And Tell
3) Bee Coins
Student Portfolio will help our students to stay organized. Please, put your class handouts, homework and projects in your Portfolio.
Show And Tell is an activity popular in America, Canada and many other countries. At home students choose in’s object, bring it to class and talk about it.
– students choose the object and the topic by themselves. It’s Free Writing and Free Speaking.
– free writing and speaking promotes fluency and improves motivation
– students improve their presentation skills
– confidence booster
Today was our first Show And Tell. Our student brought a pair of shoes! They are her ballet shoes! She talked about why these shoes are special to her. We loved it!
When we do our homework and spelling tests, Ms. Katrin gives us a Bee Coin.
We will use our Bee Coins to “buy” something from our Bazaar!
What can we “buy”? You’ll see!
See you next week!