小学生対象英会話講座(2022年度第1期) 講座内容の紹介



■ 4/9(土)インターミディエイト6年生コース 1回目

Today Ms. Katrin asked the children about activities.
We learned new vocabulary: play the piano, swim, cook, ride a bicycle, drive.
Then we talked about something we can or cannot do.
Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can you cook? Yes, a little bit. Can you play the violin? No, I can’t.
We practiced this new grammar in pairs and mini groups. We did “air spelling” and practiced spelling on mini white boards.
The children put stickers and wrote full sentences on the big class board.
Finally, we are statisticians!
We wrote one question with “Can you…?” and asked everyone in the room: all teachers, friends and moms.
The children were not nervous, they went ahead and collected the information using English only.
Then we made a graph! This bar graph showed all the answers.
It was a very cool project that everyone enjoyed!

■ 4/23(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 1回目

Today Ms. Katrin brought National Geographic magazines and some toys for us to play!
Our goal was to learn more about animals, their habitat and diet!
The children reviewed animals and learned new words to describe animals: fast/slow, loud/quiet, scary/not scary.
After seeing wonderful photos of different animals, we did some “air spelling” and played a memory game.
Then we discussed habitat (forests, deserts, burrows, trees) and the foods that animals eat (plants or other animals).
We practiced saying full sentences with the help of Ms. Katrin’s PowerPoint presentation.
Our Final Project was making Animal Profile. Exciting! The childred’s drawings are so cute!
When we finished, the children made a mini presentation about their animals: they told their friends, teachers and moms about their animals.
It was a very ambitious task, but all kids did it, yay!
For homework Ms. Katrin asked the children to choose some other animal and make their Animal Profile at home.

■ 5/7(土)インターミディエイト6年生コース 2回目

Hello! Think about your house. What is there near your house?Is there a bakery near your house? Is there a police station near your house?That is what we discussed today!We reviewed some vocabulary: a bakery, a police station, a hospital, a school, a pool, a church, a supermarket. Ms. Katrin “air spelled” these words with the students, and then the students used mini whiteboards to spell.After a memory game we practiced asking “Is there a —- near your house?” and answering “Yes, there is a —- near my house”.But the coolest part was our Final Project!We made a map of our own area and then asked all students, teachers and guests about their area.The students loved changing pairs and working with different partners

By the end of the class we could ask and answer questions about Places In The City confidently.

■ 5/14(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 2回目

【My Farm Animal】
Our ELS students finished a project about Farm Animals. The students worked very hard and their Lapbooks look amazing!
Their Lapbooks are displayed in the hall on the first floor, on the table. I will return the lapbooks to my students in 2 weeks. 

■ 5/28(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 3回目

What are you wearing today?
I’m wearing a blue hoodie, black pants and white sneakers!
Miss Katrin asked us about the clothes we wear when it’s sunny, rainy or cold. 
Also we met new friends, Miss Bunny and Miss Kitty, and we gave them different outfits. For some reason, Miss Bunny wore shorts on her head!
Bingo was fun! 
Then we made a special outfit for a runner and a mom with 3 kids. 
We thought really hard and chose the best outfit for them! 

■ 6/18(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 5回目
■ 6/25(土)インターミディエイト6年生コース 5回目

【Essay writing】

Hello everyone!
In July we have our last class in Spring Semester.
We are going to be Writers! We are going to learn how to write Opinion Essay!
Miss Katrin showed us how to do a Mind Map, collect and organize our ideas.
Miss Hahn and Miss Matsuda helped us with spelling and sentences.
We discussed really interesting and challenging topics and then we presented our essays to our class mates, teachers and parents!

Summer vacation is starting soon, let’s enjoy it!
Please, come back in September to practice English again!


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