小学生対象英会話講座(2022年度第2期) 講座内容の紹介



 ■ 12/ 3(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 6回目

Hello students and parents! Our last lesson this semester was really fun! 

We reviewed vocabulary and then we had a spelling test on mini white boards.
After that we reviewed Essay structure and special Essay words with the help of our Essay Burger. This time our final essay writing was challenging because we only had 20 min! But we did it and we presented it to parents, teachers and friends. 
After that we interviewed our friends using complete sentences and the vocabulary we had studied. 
Essay Writing practice and Interview practice helped us prepare for the entrance exams. 

Finally, we played a really cool game!
We invited parents and teachers to play too, and they lost because the kids were the best players! It was really fun!

Shoin would like to thank all students for their positive attitude and hard work. 
Also, Shoin would like to thank all parents who participated in our classes.
Awesome teamwork!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Let’s meet and talk again! 

 ■ 10/22(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 3回目

Hello! Today we had 3 fun things to do in class!
1) We learned new words about activities we like: play the piano, play soccer, dance, sing, cook and more. 
At our Work Station we matched the words and the pictures and practiced pronouncing these words. Then we discussed the things we can and can’t do. 
Can you play the piano? No, I can’t. 
Can you sing? Yes, I can, a little bit. 
We practiced writing sentences and made sure we use capital letters, space between words and a period at the end. Also, we had a mini spelling test. 

2) Happy Halloween!
Who is our mystery Halloween character? 
Let’s ask questions with “can” and figure it out!
– Can it fly? 
– Yes, it can fly. 
– Can it speak? 
– No, it can’t speak. 
– Is it a bat?
– Yes, it’s a bat! 

3) Now it’s time for some serious work!
We did a survey asking our question with “can”. We asked all friends, all parents and guests and all teachers. We made a bar graph. 
Then we presented our report in front of the class. We were a little nervous but we spoke in a loud voice and everyone liked our presentation. 

Shoin teachers gave us little origami bats and stickers to take home so we were happy. 

See you soon!

 ■ 10/15(土)インターミディエイト6年生コース 3回目

Today we discussed our hobbies.
First, we matched the pictures and the verbs at our Work Station. 
Then we did a Corner Run together with teachers and parents. The teacher read some information about an activity and we all ran to the correct picture on the wall. It was really fun, like a Physical Education class! 

As we’re preparing for our Entrance Tests, Miss Katrin, Miss Hahn and Miss Kitty helped us practice the spelling. We had a mini test and tried our best to spell the hobby words. We wrote sentences making sure we use
1) capital letter at the beginning
2) space between words
3) full stop at the end. 

Also, we made a poster about our hobby!
Writing long sentences helps us prepare for the Entrance Test Essay and express our opinion about our hobby. 
We had different hobbies: ballet, walking my dog, guitar. It was interesting to discuss it! 

 ■ 10/8(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 2回目

We talked about Community Helpers. 
“They wear a uniform”
“They work outside”
Hmm… Is it a nurse, a fire fighter or a chef? Let’s run to find this job!
Kids, teachers and parents ran together and found the correct answer. 

Today we learned how to spell jobs and focused on writing and saying long sentences. 

What job would you like to try? 
Why do you like it?
We made a book about Community Helpers and explained what these people do. 
At home it was fun to watch a video and make an origami face for our book! 

We’re proud of our work because our books look like real books! 

 ■ 9/24(土)インターミディエイト6年生コース 2回目

Do you like animals? 
What is a baby chicken called? 
Do you know?
It’s called a chick!
We learned English names for wild and farm animals and their babies and made an Animal Profile and a book!  
Some animals live in burrows, others live in forests or on trees. We talked about their habitat, diet and look and wrote sentences about different animals. Writing helps us prepare for our Entrance Tests, but we also like writing because it’s fun to describe different things. 
We always present our work to our classmates, teachers and parents. It’s a bit difficult to talk but we do our very best!

 ■ 9/10(土)インターミディエイト5・4年生コース 1回目

Today we started the lesson by going to our new Work Station. We helped each other to match the jobs and the tools and then we made sentences about each job. 

Aha! Today we’re going to discuss Community Helpers! Miss Katrin invited the children, the parents and the teachers to… run! We listened to a job description and with each sentence we ran to the job title. 

“They usually work inside” Is it a teacher? A chef? A nurse? Hmm… We ran an ran and finally we found the correct answer! Then we did some writing practice and made something for our Job Fair. But shhhh! it’s a secret now!

Stay tuned and check this page again later!

 ■ 9/3(土)インターミディエイト6年生コース 1回目

Today Miss Katrin and the students talked about Wild Animals!
We all got small toy animals and we matched them with animal cards. Then we had to find our animal footprints and it was really fun. After reviewing new words like habitat, burrow, desert and adjectives like loud/quiet, we watched a video about a really cute animal, chipmunk! The reading was easy and we read together with the teacher. 

Also, we watched a video about chipmunks and answered the questions about it. The video was difficult but we already knew a lot of words so we answered the questions no problem!

Finally, we worked on our Animal Profile. This is the best part! We described our animal and talked about it, and we drew pictures.One student found a cool way to copy an animal footprint onto our poster and we tried it too.

We are looking forward to our next lesson where we will present our Animal Profiles!


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